segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014

Dolphins’ Chronicles – Chapter 3 – The Vampire Hunters

Dolphins’ Chronicles – Chapter 3 – The Vampire Hunters 
by Anna Catharina Mp

The Fall of Mankind altered the balance of the living beings on the surface of Planet Earth. Beings that lived a life of service to humans were forced to hide behind veils of perception or false human identities. In the case of Vampires and Dampires (offspring of human and vampire), some became overwhelmed with a sense of superiority and despised humans for their weakness. These powerful Vampires and Dampires had little compassion, a deep thirst for justice and, therefore, were not patient enough to wait in the silent shadows until humans returned to pacifist social systems, so they thought on global terms and decided to solve part of the fallen mankind problem acting locally, through gradual partial extermination of the human global plague.  

About the half-breeds’ participation in this terrorism, although these first generation dampires shared some of the physical and most of the psychic powers of their vampire parents, they had no need of blood as nourishment. Rebel dampires denied and despised their human half by rejecting the company of humans and by choosing to serve vampires who disrespected human’s right to live. Many times, dampires were the ones left to do the dirty job of killing humans after rogue vampires finished their meals. 

As a response to this imbalance, a prosperous tribe of farmers in the mountains of a secluded region, that nowadays would be located in Eastern Europe, heard a Calling to Serve in their untainted heart, unaffected as they had been by the general Fall of Mankind. The Calling could be worded as, “There is a need of strong-willed, pure-hearted and clear-minded workers to keep peace among humans and the Vampire Race. These workers will dedicate their lives to protecting humans from their vampire and dampire rogue brothers who thirst for bloody justice and lost any respect for human life.” 

Men and women of this tribe gathered in a meeting and collectively agreed on accepting the mission Calling. All were fully aware that they would need to leave behind their beloved portion of motherland and spread themselves all over the world, wherever vampires would be. From now on, their motherland would be the entire planet Earth, the material manifestation of Mother Gaia. Their animal friends would accompany them and be great helpers, whether they were canine, feline, horse, reptile or birds. These farmers had a shamanic culture and devoted themselves to spiritual practices that developed psychic abilities such as remote viewing and telepathy. They led healthy and balanced lifestyles which resulted in a very long lifespan. They were also much stronger than fallen humans because their higher level of awareness, strong connection with the Divine Self and purity of mind provided them with abundant energy and great ability to manifest. Preparations were made and each family, couple or group of friends left their birthplace, one by one and, according to the Calling, they knew intuitively what direction to take. To confirm the exact location where their service was needed, they used remote viewing. For this reason, the youngest who had not yet fully developed and trained there psychic abilities took longer time in preparing to leave. 

It is important to point out that Vampires need not kill humans to feed on their blood, but the rebellious ones saw no harm in exterminating the corrupted humans that smelled badly of greed, of hatred, of fear of death, and other offensive smells. The olfactory sense of vampires and dampires made them sensitive to human pheromones and the stench of the fear-based fallen human society sickened them. They wished to turn back time to the days before the Fall, when the Human Race treated the Vampire Race with reverence and gladly paid for the service of vampires with offers of blood donations¹. Since their wish would not come true, these rebellious beings began to impose respect through violence and cursed themselves to fall along with mankind. Vampires who committed murder broke their vows of non-violence and shattered their own subtle energetic structures, causing a shock that produced long-term memory loss – they lost connection with their own noble purpose and their sacred culture. What remained was thirst for human blood, superhuman strength, psychic abilities, a sense of superiority over humans and strong sex drive. The fallen rogue vampire made humans their prey and hunted them to fulfill their need of blood without any intention of preserving the lives of their victims.

There was a sense of urgency lingering in the emotional atmosphere shared by mankind - men and women cried out for help and stood defenseless against the blood thirsty predators. Sensing this, Valkiria and Thomas were the first farmers to leave the peaceful mountains on a vampire hunt.  As a middle-aged couple in the prime of their health, their grown-up children were proud to bid them farewell and they were able to depart swiftly on horseback, with little need to stop along the way to rest, eat or sleep. Their wolf friends followed them faithfully, eager to help. In two days they approached a village terrorized by fallen vampires and observed closely to prevent the next attack. 

First, Valkiria located the vampire leader through remote view, making sure he was alone and far enough from the village. Silent and skillfully, she moved close enough to allow him to capture her fearless body odor, but remained out of his sight. After picking up her scent, the leader was intrigued. “Leader of vampires, I am here to prevent further murder of humans. My name is Valkiria and if you choose to defy me, you will not prevail.” After the first telepathic contact, Valkiria allowed herself to be within the eyesight of the leader. 

“Woman, you have no business here, us rogue ones do as we please and we do not care to spare human lives.” To demonstrate the reality of his words, the leader headed towards the village with the intention to kill whoever he found in his way. Valkiria summoned the strength of the Elements of Nature and Thomas followed her lead in pursuit of the defying killer. Their wolf friends called their pack and positioned themselves between the village and the attacking killer, preventing humans from approaching the area.

To the surprise of the vampire, Valkiria and Thomas appeared in front of him, blocking his way, “You are not fallen humans, I respect you, but I do not owe you any obedience. I shall not harm you if you get out of my way.” 

“Oh, fallen creature! Do you not remember the non-violence vows you have broken? If you despise the fallen humans, you must keep your judgment to yourself and respect their right to life!”, Valkiria’s voice did not respond aloud but her words resonated deeply within the rogue one. 

Thomas looked straight into the leader’s bewildered eyes and spoke aloud calmly, but firmly, “Brother vampire, if you wish to regard humans simply as meal sources, why not use your psychic abilities to induce them to sleep and feed on them carefully, so that when they awake they have no memories of violence and still have enough blood to live on? Or perhaps, catch them by surprise when they are alone and unguarded, then erase the traumatic experience of direct blood-giving from their memories?” 

Sensing he was out powered, not only numerically, but also do to his poor use of free-will, which made him an outlaw and removed his ability to draw power from the forces of Nature – those same forces that he could sense protecting these fearless humans - the leader considered to surrender and accept the man’s suggestions about feeding. “But if I disrespect human life again? What are the consequences?” 

Valkiria replied directly to his conscious mind and frozen heart, “Soon enough, you will shatter beyond repair your own subtle energetic structures that hold vitality and thus reduce your lifespan, slowly losing your physical and psychic strengths until you resemble the same fallen humans you so strongly despise. Your body was not designed to allow violent behaviors.” Again, Thomas looked him in the eyes and added, “We shall not allow you to slaughter, if necessary, we will capture you and hold you prisoner, in underground confinement, until you change your mind. Please do your mates a favor and pass this information onto them. If they rebel, we shall capture the rebel along with the leader whose leadership was shown to be weak. Remember that our source of strength and authority comes from serving Life.”

From that day on, the village was safe from vampire murderers. It took a few years for the message of the Vampire Hunters to spread and for peace among vampires and humans to be restored. Over the years, humans thought it would not harm them to allow vampires to execute death-sentenced criminals. This was a way of giving rogue vampires and dampires a legitimate social role, but most preferred to avoid unnecessary harm to their own subtle energetic system and refrained from feeding long enough to kill their human meal source. Although some rebels still enjoyed these opportunities to express their blood thirst for justice, helping eliminate what they called "inferior and corrupted members of the human race". In fact, some vampires and dampires also found social roles as policemen or armed force members, another path to do justice or participate in legal violence. Nowadays, vampires are also the owners of blood banks and they rarely kill humans or make abusive use of their psychic powers.

In fact, many humans unknowingly invite vampires to feed from their misused sexual energy during their dreamtime, but there are laws regulating these psychic interactions and vampires obey by not attacking either innocent neither vigilant humans. Many erotic dreams or fantasies are not as unreal as they might seem… To feed in this manner is also a form of ridding the world of stagnate energy and it is not “illegal” according to the laws of circulation of energy, because any attachment or imbalance that results in accumulation and stagnation will require a loss to restore the lost balance of energy flow. 

Thankfully, the Vampire Hunters keep track of the vampire population, especially of the rogue ones, and assure that no abuses are allowed against human life. Vampire violence was reduced to rare occasional occurrences or attempts since the Vampire Hunters used mostly preventive strategies, contacting potentially violent vampires before they attacked. This provided Vampire Hunters time to serve humanity in other ways while keeping their watch.

With their free time, Vampire Hunters invested their energy in practicing and assisting the development of martial arts that defended powerless people from powerful elites such as Ninjitsu and Capoeira. They also shared their shamanic knowledge with many tribes and taught how to connect with Nature to achieve healings, knowledge of its mechanisms and inner peace.


¹ see more about the service of vampires in Dolphins’ Chronicles – chapter 2 – the Noble Purpose of Vampires -

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