sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

Comentários sobre a tradução da expressão ENLIGHTENED BEING no contexto da Prática Espiritual da Lótus Sagrada

Venho compartilhar com meus leitores uns insights que tive numa conversa em 31/10/2013 via mensagem de texto entre mim, Sensei iniciada no Caminho do Professorado da Lótus Sagrada na turma de 31/08/2013, e a nossa amada Gabriela Yasoha.  Melhorei o Português e acrescentei agora explicações desta tradutora, especialista em textos de esoterismo e espiritualidade, em notas de rodapé. Nossa Professora Semente desta Prática Espiritual chamada Lótus Sagrada adorou a essência desta ideia de tradução contextualizada e espero que meus leitores também gostem!

Tive uma ideia, se achar que contribui pro teu livro¹, pode usar: Desperto para o Amor Pleno é aquele que se libertou de todos os sofrimentos descritos pelo Buda histórico. Daí o coração leve, sem nenhum pesar, conceito traduzido de ENLIGHTENED BEING (tradução convencional: Ser Iluminado).

O(a) iluminado(a)² –  do Caminho da Lótus Sagrada busca o tal enlightenment –  termo até hoje traduzido do Inglês como “iluminação” – pela via do CORAÇÃO³.

 É que nem o balão a gás – livra-te dos teus pesos e subirás de vibração! Serás leve! Luz e Iluminação estão mais estreitamente relacionadas ao Conhecimento4 das Leis do Cosmo5 e com a Busca da Felicidade6.

Um Caminho complementa o outro – Caminho da Luz e Caminho do Amor7. Entendo que a Prática da Flor de Lótus Sagrada possui foco na via do Amor e do coração leve8.
Em Inglês, a palavra ENLIGHTENED permite os dois sentidos:
-LIGHTEN – tornar mais leve;
-ENLIGHT – iluminar, esclarecer, dissipar as trevas da ignorância e do medo.  

O Caminho do Meio exemplificado por muitos Mestres como Osíris, Kwan Yin, Salomão, Moisés, Shiva, Lao-Tsé, Buda Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Cristo, Krishna,  Maomé e Mikao Usui requer não excluir nem o Caminho do Amor9  nem o Caminho da Luz10.

Os Mestres Verdadeiros seguem os Caminhos da Luz e do Amor, de forma tão inseparável que a síntese resultante é o Caminho do Meio, a Iluminação da Mente ancorada na matéria graças ao Coração Leve pelo qual o Amor Divino flui para o Mundo Manifesto.

No meu entendimento pessoal, escolher apenas uma das vias enfraquece o Buscador e torna desastroso o líder espiritual que só prega Amor ou só traz Luz com a força da Fé. Sem iniciar-nos a nós mesmos, como os Mestres citados acima, através do esforço individual e da disciplina purificadora ou sem receber a Iniciação através de uma linhagem autêntica11, corremos o risco de querer repassar nossa sabedoria e nosso amor de forma limitada, errando cegamente tal como os “falsos profetas” da Bíblia. Dica quanto à identificação de falsos profetas: nenhum Ser Iluminado e Compassivo desrespeita as tradições espirituais, crenças, práticas místicas, religiões dos próximos, pois isso fere a Ordem do Cosmo: a Lei do Amor Puro. O Ser Iluminado e Compassivo, aquele disposto a seguir os passos dos Mestres que já viveram neste planeta, sabe que precisa tomar cuidado ao falar, pois sabe que suas palavras – essa Lei da Causa e Consequência se aplica a todos os seres humanos – são sementes plantadas que serão colhidas em algum momento do futuro. Diante de grande ignorância e falta de receptividade para ouvir a Verdade, a atitude mais compassiva diante dos seres ainda não tão esclarecidos é SILENCIAR.

Fico tentada a traduzir muitos lindos textos, sejam da biblioteca da Lótus Sagrada ou de outras fontes, mas no momento, preciso me manter seletiva, pois tenho um TCC de Graduação a redigir e um TCC de Especialização me esperando na fila... rs - Imagine, se me emplogo! Ao traduzir uma palavra “ENLIGHTENED” já escrevi 2 páginas! Aí fico “Lost in translation” (piada de tradutora). Se parecer “viajei na maionese”, peço que relevem e, já que meu avô Rubinho era um pescador natural da Paraíba, experimento o ato de traduzir muitas vezes sendo como pescar as palavras mais atraentes e nutritivas num mar de infinitas possibilidades de significados... Se não gostar de minhas palavras, pode dizer que é história de tradutora neta de pescador...
¹ livro ainda a ser publicado sobre as mensagens de Kwan Yin e o Caminho da Prática Espiritual da Flor de Lótus Sagrada.

²  escrevi “iluminado” com “i” minúsculo porque é algo acessível a TODOS os praticantes e não é algo exclusivo das “estrelas” da espiritualidade - os grandes mestres do passado - é algo do PRESENTE, algo a ser “do povo e para o povo” - difundido entre quem quiser abrir mão daquilo que não lhe serve mais por não trazer Luz nem Amor para sua vida.

³ ou seja, é o enlightenment a nível do Coração Desperto para o sentimento de Amor Puro.

4  escrevi “Conhecimento” com letra maiúscula por ser o que se aprende por vivência e transmissão iniciática, isso não pode ser assimilado ao nosso Ser por meio de teorias e meras palavras.

 5 os Vedas e a Cabala Universal são 2 das mais famosas vias de acesso ao Conhecimento das Leis do Cosmo.

 6  a antiga tarefa da Busca da Verdade requer o cumprimento do mandamento dos antigos – “Conhece-te a ti Mesmo” e traz a Felicidade como resultado. Com base na minha experiência pessoal, considero valioso o estudo dos livros do Ian Mecler “Força: o Poder dos Anjos da Cabala”, “As Dez Leis da Realização” e recomendo o curso de Kabbalah Universal da Modern Mystery School, cursei com a 2ª turma do Brasil.

 7 para quem já ouviu falar em Chama Trina ou da Sagrada Família, vejam se faz sentido: Luz corresponde à Chama Azul da Fé que Protege e ao Pai da Trindade da Sagrada Família; Amor corresponde ao Rosa Pink da Chama Trina do Amor criativamente expresso e ao Espírito Santo; nós não precisamos escolher ou Amor ou Luz, ou Deus ou a Deusa Grande Mãe, pois somos FILHO(A)S, o que corresponde ao Dourado da Chama Trina ou ao Cristo/Filho da Santíssima Trindade. Esse meu insight pessoal sobre a Chama Trina foi facilitado pelo trabalho altruísta da Rosa Marta Gerber da Vivência de Autocura e Cura Planetária que ocorre mensalmente no Centro de Metafísica Atman Amara e no Projeto Amanhecer do Hospital Universitário da UFSC.

domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Dolphins' Chronicles - Chapter 2*: Vampires' Noble Purpose - By Anna Catharina Mp

* ALERT: this chapter is a flawed draft version of the revised version available at  http://transcendamatrix.blogspot.com.br/2014/07/dolphins-chronicles-chapter-2-vampires.html (the reason I didn't delete this post is so that people, curious enough to check it out, might compare the flawed draft version with the upgraded rectified version of this story...)

Many are the stories about the mysterious origins of Vampires… Most are full of dread, fear, violence and blood. Humans fear those who they cannot defeat easily by the use of aggressive forces and many myths speak of the People of Lilith as demoniac creatures of the dark. As humble Librarians of the Seas of Memories, Dolphins do not judge neither Humans nor Vampires for their mistakes. The stories we tell are those we read  from our favorite books of the Library of the Seas of Mother Gaia. Our favorite books might not be the same as our human readers’ favorite. Humans born after the Fall from Eden have great taste for scary stories and stories of Good prevailing over Evil. Though Humans tend to believe that Evil is something that lurks in the night or in the minds of their enemies, fear and pride is what allows evil thoughts to occur and evil deeds to be done. If there is any bit of fear or pride within a human, then evil is potentially within and to search for evil in the other - this is the biggest mistake Humans have made since the Fall. So do not search for evil in thy neighbors, but hunt it within and leave to die a death of hunger, for evil only flourishes if fed by thoughts and emotions.

We ask our dear reader to simply consider our stories as a possible version of the Truth, we do not defend our words as the only Truth, but we go on and tell our favorite version as do all Creatures of God…

When God Almighty allowed the Adamic Race – Humanity – to come into Existence, God knew in His/Her Wisdom that Adam would need help to educate himself in the use of Sacred Sexuality and the Life Force of the Serpent of Sacred Fire. Thus, from planet Venus, God summoned those Beings who wished to Serve in this task. It was an exciting mission! The most adventurous and compassionate Beings of Venus lined up to Serve this Divine Purpose. Given their gentle nature and the unpredictable possible reactions of Adam’s People, who were not familiar with their ability for the creative use of their own powers, the Missionaries of Venus where gifted nearly indestructible feminine and masculine bodies: similar to Humans in appearance, but blessed with ten times the strength. These Missionaries of Venus had a matriarchic society and their Selfless Leader was Lilith, Queen of Vampires. 

As wise knowers of the Law of Heavens and Earth, Lilith’s People respected the cycles of Nature: they observed the Laws of the Waters and the Phases of the Moon. Their natural impulses were governed by the feelings of Heart and their actions were ruled by loyalty to the messages about God’s Will they could read in the patterns of Stars and the Silent Signs from All Living Beings of Earth, such as animals, plants, insects. Lilith was recognized by all Beings as a wise and compassionate leader and, before the fall, Vampires lived in harmony with Humans. Humans sought Vampires to learn how to master their sexual urges, to learn to tame the Life Force of the Serpent of Sacred Fire so that it would be put to Service and not deviate to destructive uses, such as physical or verbal violence and manipulation of the opposite sex.

Vampires taught humans without the need for physical contact: they used psychic abilities to simulate sexual intercourse in the Temples of Tantra. Sometimes, humans became addicted to sexual pleasure and, if this was detected, they were asked to leave and refrain from sexual activities, thus practicing abstinence until freed from the addiction. The importance of the education of the use of Sacred Sexuality and the Life Force of the Serpent of Sacred Fire is that it is both a creative and destructive force, as all forces of Nature are. If it were necessary to dissipate the sexual force’s accumulated energies, Lilith’s Priests and Priestesses would stimulate the outburst of sexual orgasm, teaching men and women who to sense when it was necessary. If a Child of Adam needed to accumulate strength to apply for just purposes, the teachers of the Temples of Tantric Magic would educate the pupil, explaining about the Natural and Heavenly Laws. After certifying that the pupil’s heart was pure and making sure that the pupil’s mind was clear enough and educated about the rightful ways to apply the Force of the Serpent of Sacred Fire to manifest new creations – be it the birth of a child or of a project of Service – only then would the Priests and Priestesses teach how to harness and accumulate the energies of the Sacred Force of Kundalini. In the Temples of Tantric Magic, all the forces of Nature were treated with great respect and all knowledge was applied in favor of Life and the Priests and Priestesses also taught about: medicinal use of herbs, earth and water’s cycles applied to farming, astrology and the reading of the Silent Signs from All Living Beings of Earth, swimming and horseback riding.

Vampires knew the Secret of feeding from the Air – they knew how to absorb Prana – and they did not need food. The psychic energy used when training humans with their psychic abilities was replaced by the grateful offerings of blood from their pupils, which was drank in Sacred Cups of precious metals. Vampires did not slay animals or harm humans, not before the Fall.

So, because the People of Lilith have no permission to use violence and force and mostly because they are AWARE of the disgraceful consequences of such destructive behavior,  among Vampires there was no such thing as blood drinking or sexual intercourse without the permission of the Divine Laws.  Before the Veils fell in front of the eyes of Humans, some of Lilith’s Son and Daughters came to meet the love of humans and those couples asked for permission to be wed before the Divine Laws. The children of these unions inherited the powers of Lilith and some of the fragility of the human body. These children were sent to be educated within in the Temples according to the traditions of Lilith so that they might always use their power in accordance to the Law. But after the Veils fell, everything collapsed and the harmony between Humans and the Vampires, Lilith’s Son and Daughters, was endangered.

After the Fall from the Grace of the Garden of Eden, Humans’ hearts were corrupted by their thoughts of fear, selfishness and stubborn pride. Because part of Humanity showed no sign of repentance of its crimes against Life, the Divine Rulers of our Planet Earth decided to conceal the other Kingdom’s from the eyes of Humans. Humans lost the right to see Fairies, Elves, Vampires, Merpeople, Angels, Unicorns, Dragons, Elementals and other beings. 

But some of the Creatures of other Kingdoms Fell from Grace as a response to the aggression inflicted on them by Humans. Our fellow Whales fell from grace due to heavy grief in their loving hearts. The Sons and Daughter of Lilith were strong in compassion and did not fall because they did not judge the Adamic Race for its mistakes. However, the offspring of unions between Humans and Vampires was more vulnerable against the contamination by the wildfire of Fear, Rage and Hatred, unleashed by Humans Warfare. (paragraph revised in July, 2014)

Vampires had the gift of Invisibility and did not need to hide behind a Veil to protect themselves from the abusive use of force carried out by Humans contaminated by Fear. Young and inexperienced Dhampirs – sons and daughters of the union of Humans with Vampires – allowed themselves to indulge in thoughts of revenge against Humans. These Dhampirs did not accept the fact that Humans were destroying Nature and the harmony among the Kingdoms. These Dhampirs had a thirst for justice and, against the Laws taught in the Temples where they were raised, engaged in activities to punish Humans with their own hands, thus falling from grace. Their Vampire parents felt heavy with grief and many fell from grace and lost their ability to feed from Prana and to choose Invisibility.  Soon, these fallen Vampires and their Dhampir children completely forgot their gentle essence and became predators of shadows and dreams.

In the beginning of the Nightmare of the Fallen Children of Lilith, their compassionate brothers and sisters tried to help them rise again into the Light and Love of God, but after the fall they did not feel worthy of forgiveness and lost contact with the Wise and Gentle People of Lilith that remained in Light and Love, who spent most of their time concealed in Invisibility to Humanity. When a Wise Human, Pure of Heart, sought for assistance in Service to Light, the Wise and Gentle Priests and Priestesses welcomed the Human among them and granted entrance in the Mystery School of the remaining Temple of Tantric Magic, kept secret from the unwise Humanity after the fall. (paragraph revised in July, 2014)

The Secret Temple of Tantric Magic is located in the Indic Ocean, on an isolated Island, only accessible to those selected few who are Wise and Pure in intention. The Priests and Priestesses of this Secret Temple pray day and night in favor of the Ascension of Humanity and if you are wise enough and pure in heart, you might have the privilege to visit this Temple during your sleep to learn the Wisdom of Lilith while safely asleep. But do not seek this privilege, you must simply work hard to become wise and pure, and wait for the privilege that might or might not be granted by Lilith’s People. Beware: obsessive fantasies about Vampires, without sincere efforts of self-improvement, tend to attract dark forces. (paragraph revised in July, 2014)

Although we prefer to speak joyfully of Light and Love, spreading Hope in the Hearts of Humans, we also must prevent our dear readers about the Dark dangers on Earth. Since we Dolphins brought this story to you, it is also our responsibility to pass on information about the dangerous fallen Children of Lilith who feed on the stolen Force of the Serpent of Sacred Fire of Humans: Succubus and Incubus.

Incubus – masculine Children of Lilith (Vampires or Dhampirs) that take revenge on humanity performing sexual intercourse with unguarded women. They are known by the use of hypnosis to restrain the movements of their chosen victims by putting them in the state of consciousness that is in-between slumber and awakeness. That state in which one is self-conscious but with the soul still not completely placed in the 3rd dimension, therefore unable to command the body’s movements. Sometimes, it is not necessary to resort to hypnosis because the victim is often found in the mentioned state of consciousness.(paragraph revised in July, 2014)

Succubus - feminine Children of Lilith (Vampires or Dhampirs) that take revenge on humanity performing sexual intercourse with lustful men. They most commonly meet men in the 4th dimension, during men’s moments of dreams – dreams that usually become nightmares. Since few men are sensitive enough to feel the subtle presence of the Succubae while in the state of consciousness in-between sleep and vigilance, it is rare that a man is visited after or before sleep.(paragraph revised in July, 2014)

These rogue beings, Renegade Children of Lilith, need not be present by the human’s bedside, all they need is permission to connect telepathically through the open door of guilty or lustful sexual desire. Sometimes, they project their ethereal form and are visible through the third eye’s vision, although fear may cause the human to project monstrous appearance on these beings, they are graceful and beautiful. Although the Incubi and Succubae are criminal fugitives of the People of Lilith, they are too intelligent to disrespect the Laws and add more disgrace to their own destiny. Thus, they only pay visits to humans who are unguarded by lack of: Faith in the Divine; Love for All there Is; humbleness to pray to ask for help. The lack of these virtues is the open door or permission that criminal fugitives of the People of Lilith need to pay a visit to a man or a woman, UNLESS humans express consent by seeking sexual satisfaction from those who live in the shadows… (paragraph revised in July, 2014)

It must be said that humans – both those alive and those dead who should remain in the limits of the 5th dimension of Spirit World - have also the potential psychic ability to seduce men in their sleep and rape immobilized women. But, unlike the Fallen Vampires and Dhampirs, humans that establish these connections with other humans do NOT obey the Law and are known to inflict sexual violence on living beings without ANY permission. But fear not, dear reader, for God Almighty answers the prayers of those in need and if you have the spark of Faith alight in your heart, you will be saved from danger if you only remember to ask for help from Beings of Light and Love. (paragraph revised in July, 2014)

Besides the power of Faith and prayer, there are others means developed according to God’s Will in order to protect Humans from Renegade Children of Lilith: the Service of the Vampire Slayers. Although ‘Vampire Slayer’ is not an exact title for these Missionary Knights, you might refer to them in this manner, since they slay the evil bonds between Vampires and their victims, thus slaying Evil without killing… In the following Chapter, we shall tell the story – our favorite version – of the Vampire Slayers, who guard Humanity from the Renegade Children of Lilith who might attempt abuse against Humans without permission of the Law. (paragraph revised in July, 2014)

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013

CAT MAGIC - Cats' Secret Skills - by Anna Catharina Mp

On Halloween, we see windows decorated with the silhouette of witches on broomsticks with their loyal magical companion: the domestic cat. Before science found biological facts to explain cats’ extraordinary ability to fall from rooftops and land on four paws harmlessly, humans wondered if these were magical beings with nine lives – which is why cats are a symbol of Immortality. Besides their ability to survive under unlikely circumstances, since time immemorial, the majestic feline – lions, tigers, panthers - have fascinated mankind and cats have been imagined to be their domestic version. 

The Egyptians recognized the royal features of lions in their own pets, and considered their feline companions as family members, thus the elegance and independence of these intelligent animals is depicted in the Ancient Egypt’s art. Beyond flexibility, elegant and mice hunting skills, cats are night lovers, children of the moon and may have the secret skill of crossing the bridges between the numerous dimensions, or in the words of the moon cat of Tim Burton’s Alice, they have well developed “evaporating skills”.

One of the ways to explore this possibility of the existence of Cat Magic is by following a few steps:
Step 1 - getting to know cats very closely, connecting with them through the bonds of love and respect.
Step 2 – leaving behind preconceived opinions, accepting the possibility that Cat Magic is real.
Step 3 – observing their individual traits and unique intelligence until you are able to watch them in a state of wonder and reverence.
Step 4 – being grateful for the gift of joy and love that these adorable creatures provide us with.
Step 5 – learning how to interpret your cat’s behavior as a form of communication.
Step 6 – believing in Magic and having faith that if you are ready to know, the truth might reveal itself in mysterious signs that you can only interpret through intuition.
Step 7 – trusting in your own intuition as a way to find answers that may confirm your wildest dreams or may defy what you’ve been told is real.

Let us go on our own individual quests to solve the mystery of Cat Magic… But before you begin, consider a few possibilities:
-         Cats can detect windows in and time – also called interdimensional portals;space 
-         Cats are gifted by Nature with the ability to safely cross bridges in between dimensions;
-         Cats are able to transmute energy from negative to positive;
-         If in danger, a cat is able to teleport itself to safety at a speed so high it has not yet been detected by Science;
-         Cats respond to their master’s expectations for primitive or evolved features – so expect the very best of your companion;
-         To reveal their magic, cats need to be able to trust you.